Saturday, April 6, 2013


For all you birdwatchers out there, I've got a treat for you!

With all of the bird movement and migration that is beginning this time of year, we have spotted a few neat specimens.

Behold, the Barred Owl! Or at least that's what I think it is based upon my five minutes of internet research.

And you can tell it's a Barred Owl because of the way it is.

We spotted this beaute resting on the tree just outside of the kitchen window. It also happens to be the same tree where a family of red squirrels lives.


And here we have a pair of Hooded Merganser ducks. Cory spotted a flock of these taking off from the creek earlier today.

They're pretty odd looking creatures...but they're pretty neat!

In addition to those we have seen robins, wood peckers and various other song birds.

We also have a couple of bald eagles that have been building a nest just down the road from us. For the past few days we have been seeing them flying overhead with large basically tree branches.

Sorry, no pics of those yet, but I do have a great video for you to watch! It has nothing to do with birds, and everything to do with Neature.



  1. If I lived where you do and saw all those cool critters, I'd never get anything done. You definitely are living in God's creation.

    Oh, and that guy (can't call him a guide) in the video, definitely stopped at the tavern before filming. :))

  2. It has been a lot of fun to discover what sorts of wildlife live around us! We have a LOT of trees and a creek, so it's a nice environment for a lot of critters.

  3. Really neat post, its rare to find so much neatness in one place.



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